Tuesday, 7 August 2012

The Case of Holmes and Page.

The two recent mass shootings in Denver and Milwaukie have prompted Obama to state that some ‘soul searching’ is needed. Indeed there is, but I think any such process needs to recognise that, on the evidence reported so far, the two incidents are very different in one important respect: motivation.

Wade Michael Page apparently had an easily recognisable reason for what he did. We’re told that he was a white supremacist, and we all know what white supremacism is about and where it comes from. Sick though it may be, at least there’s something relatively simple to understand and ideologically concrete to work on.

James Holmes, on the other hand, had no such transparent motive. The reason he did what he did lies somewhere deep inside him, and those investigating the case must do all they can, however long it takes, to find out what it was and how it got there.

I’m implacably opposed to capital punishment. I think it compounds the wrong and serves no purpose except to give vent to the desire for revenge. Nevertheless, I can understand it up to a point in the case of Page. I suppose it can be said that he’s simply a bad man with a bad attitude.

In the case of Holmes, however, I think the State of Colorado will stand indicted of failing the American people and the need to understand the extremes of human behaviour if it merely executes him. Holmes is not a common criminal. Common criminals kill for all sorts of reasons, but they don’t do what Holmes did. If the cause is not identified, how on earth do you set about the business of prevention?


Anonymous said...

Wade Michael Page praises the Uncle of William Patrick Stuart-Houston.

JJ said...

What good white supremacist wouldn't?

Anonymous said...

Wade Michael Page is the distant cousin of 9/11 hero, Welles Remy Crowther! Both Page and Crowther are descendants of Bosley.
Walter Bosley
John Bosley-(siblings)-James Bosley
Joseph Bosley-(1st cousin)-Ezekiel Bosley
John Bosley-(2nd cousin)-Isaac Walker Bosley
William Bosley-(3rd cousin)-James Hutchins Bosley
Fannie Bosley-(4th cousin)-JAMES UFORD BOSLEY
Frank Bosley Crowther-(5th cousin)-CORA BOSLEY
Francis Bosley Crowther-(6th cousin)-Mollie Wier
Jefferson H. Crowther-(7th cousin)-Hazel Roberson
Welles Remy Crowther-(8th cousin)-Jesse Alvin Page
Welles Remy Crowther-(8th cousin once removed)-Wade Michael Page

JJ said...

Your research is impressive. Are you suggesting that Page was confusing Sikhs with Muslims?

Anonymous said...

It seems possible that Wade Michael Page confused Sikhs with Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Now, there is Adam Peter Lanza. Lanza shot 27 people, injured 2 before turning the gun on himself, and his body was cremated and the entire building has been torn down. There are heroes like Dawn Hochsprung and a young boy with a very little Cherokee heritage, Jesse McCord Lewis. Remember the good Lanzas: Mario Lanza (the singer) and Walter Lanza (the real family name of the Woody Woodpecker guy). Sandy Hook is the not the deadliest school violence in North American history, it dates back to the Jazz age in 1927, two days prior to Charles Augustus Lindbergh flew to Paris from New York. The hero of that day was Emory Eli Huyck, a man of Dutch origin.

Anonymous said...

Remember the hero of Oak Creek, Satwant Singh Kaleka. Remember the victims of Sandy Hook, like James Radley Mattioli.