Monday, 27 August 2012

More on Two Smoking Barrels.

My Hotmail inbox has started showing regular ads for breast enlargement ‘services.’  I find this odd because:

a) I would never have deigned to go anywhere near a woman with surgically enlarged breasts. If I’d wanted a plastic, man-made doll (and I assume most of the surgeons who do this work are men) I would have gone to a joke shop and bought a less pretentious one. Besides, I never had a mother fixation and I never liked women who were ‘obvious,’ so I never had a taste for big breasts. Presumably, a lot of men see things differently, and women who have their breasts enlarged must be attracted to that kind of man.

b) While surgeons are wasting their skills doing this sort of thing, there’s a list of people on the NHS waiting for serious surgery.

No doubt some people will tell me I’ve got it wrong. It isn’t about attracting men, but about general levels of self-confidence. ‘Femininity is a big udder.’ OK, I’ll go with that if you insist.


andrea kiss said...

Self-confidence, yes, if one derives self-confidence and a sense of self worth from how much attention they get from men. Daddy issues...

JJ said...

There now, and I thought you were going to yell at me.

There's a Tom Sharp novel, the title of which escapes me, about a man who buries a blow-up doll on a building site late at night. Somebody sees him and he gets accused of murder - and he can't prove his innocence because the 'victim' has been encased in concrete. It's very funny.