Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Being Content.

The past few weeks have been a bit woeful one way and another, what with computer problems, joint and muscle pains, valued-people-deserting-JJ issues, the weather, late night noise, and other odd bits of miscellaneous horridness. And yet my blog must have been reasonably productive (and not quite as nadgy as it could have been) because the number of page views was second only to the record set two years ago.

Maybe now is the time to offer the blog to CNN and become a millionaire like the Scottish guy (whose name I don’t remember.) Then I could stop associating with poor people and hob-nob with interesting rich folks instead. Then I’d be content at last, wouldn’t I? Yeah.

I was trying to remember earlier whether there was ever a time in my life when I was truly content. I came close once or twice, but not really. I don’t think people like me are supposed to be content. What would we have to talk about if we were?


Wendy S. said...

I think contentment is like happiness or rather a form of happiness that comes in moments but then flees away for many. I wish I had more contentment and gratitude and I hate feeling like being the one grumbling in the corner. I love how you post your moments of contentments, with your bat and sheep friends, the weather and the ridiculousness of life that you observe but don't necessarily throw you off course, Jeff.

JJ said...

I'll take you word for it, Wendy. Thank you. Although my 'course,' such as it is, seems to be largely dictated by the vicissitudes of the celestial freggin' winds at the moment.

Only once did I ever give up completely. Then I fell asleep, and when I woke up I struggled on. I wouldn't advise going there. It isn't nice.