Sunday, 19 June 2011


You Americans are disrespectful of infinitives. Imagine the devastation that would have been wrought on Shakespeare’s blessed iambic feet had he written:

To be or to not be



Zoe said...

Oh, hush. I'm a poet.

JJ said...

It was you who put me up to that post, Zoe. Such influence!

Zoe said...

Yes, I'm aware. Same infinitive used, too.

Would you believe that my way was intentional in that email? I think sometimes the reverse use sounds better, incorrect or not.

Grammar rules are the only rules that can be intentionally broken without any real consequence. Your disapproval of my language is not punishment enough to stop me!

JJ said...

Disapproval? You didn't miss the sense of levity, I hope.

So aren't you speaking to me now?