Sunday, 19 June 2011

PA Variations and Some Displacement Rambles.





Connections can be very unpleasant, you know. They’re good when everything’s OK, but when they’re not it’s like being a dog on a choke chain.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with Pennsylvania.

I’m becoming cagey about going to bed these days. I hate that bastard who keeps waking me up. And you wouldn’t believe the things I want to write to this blog, but don’t. The Buddhists say that a hurtful truth should only be told if it’s also a useful truth. I venerate the Buddha above all beings, so I try to follow his advice by and large. I usually fail, but sometimes I get it right.

Not long to go now.

And I’m having trouble getting used to this optical mouse I bought a couple of weeks ago. It doesn’t behave like a proper ball mouse.

The moon is shining through an uncurtained window.



Zz... said...

who keeps waking you up? why don't you have a word to him.

you need sleep or you'll get even more insane- I know from experience!!!!

JJ said...

The Demon, Zhen, where've you been? The creature I never describe.