Friday, 24 June 2011

The Mystery of the Missing Knives.

Do you remember that post I made a couple of months ago about the missing penknife, the one that had been missing for months and then miraculously turned up one day in the middle of the lawn? I hung it from a branch in Fey Corner, and searched out my late brother’s old Boy Scout penknife that I knew to be lying in a box of mementoes somewhere. A drop of oil and a sharpening stone soon had it functioning perfectly and I’ve been using it ever since.

A couple of days ago I used it to trim some growth in the garden, and then put it in my pocket. When I came to use it again it wasn’t there. I searched the undergrowth where I’d been working, but found nothing. Today I needed to take a trim of comfrey for the compost bin, so I went and got a serrated kitchen knife to do the job. When I’d finished I put it in my pocket, and when I went to use it again it wasn’t there.

This is becoming a habit. Is the universe trying to tell me something about knives, or is there an invisible and mischievous pickpocket around?

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