Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Variants of Wrong.

When I observe the road that modern, urbane culture is taking, it seems to me that those who regard standards as being essential to the structure of a right society will soon cease to be seen as conservative and become the new radicals. Maybe then we can start reversing the flow of subtle energy that is benefiting the interests of unscrupulous men and lay the foundations for a brave new world built on mutual and self-respect.


Big respect to Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik. I’m sure there’s a game being played out here that goes far beyond the borders of Syria. I ask again: Why only Gadaffi?


Maria Sondule said...

There's no way we can reverse it. Hopefully society will not shift too much away from what we're used to in our lifetimes, so that at least we can get through it without breaking down in tears every few minutes.

JJ said...

There's always room for optimism, I think. The pendulum effect is always possible.