Sunday, 12 February 2012

Late Night Notes.

Men who take physical liberties with women should definitely get the ants-and-jam treatment. Better still, the upturned-bowl-on-the-chest-with-a-crazed-rat-trapped-underneath treatment.


The more I listen to music, the more I feel I must take the playing of it seriously in my next life. Favourite at the moment is Irish fiddle or low whistle. I’m hoping the electric guitar and electronic synthesiser will have gone the way of all tyrants by then. And I’ll try to arrange it so I have a voice like Luke Kelly or Christie Moore.


I wonder whether Americans are aware that they exhibit a curious veneration for hair and teeth that look artificial.


I’m getting pretty fed up with childish football coaches who get paid large salaries to blame the referee every time their team loses.


I don’t know whether to be amused or irritated that the British legal system, which still has oaths sworn on the Bible, allows Christians to follow their conscience only as long as it doesn’t interfere with politically correct liberal shibboleths. I don’t follow any religion so it doesn't make any difference to me, but that isn’t the point. I think I’ll go with amused.


I discovered a few minutes ago that adjusting the time switch on your bedroom convector heater isn’t as easy when you’ve had a couple of drinks as it is when you haven’t. My fault for not sorting it earlier.


I could do with bumping into M’Lady S tomorrow. I have a couple of questions to ask her, one serious and one frivolous. Not to mention that I’m missing the little princess.


I didn’t win the lottery tonight.




Maria Sondule said...

#1. agreed, although women should also not dress in clothes that show 90% of their bodies.
#2. You should learn now! Playing music is infinitely fun and it adds a lot of joy to life.
#3. We're not.
#4. Football in general just makes me fed up.
#5. When does a Christian following his conscience interfere with liberal agendas?
#6. I hope it goes/went well.
#7. There's always tomorrow.

JJ said...

#1 Couldn't agree more. From the neck to the knee should be private in my book.
#2 Too old and it would annoy the neighbours.
#3 According to everything I see on the TV you are!
#4 The sport is OK. It's the people who are a problem.
#5 When a Christian couple who run a B&B aren't allowed to deny a double room to a gay couple because, according to the Bible, God says homosexuality is a sin. As you know, concepts of God and sin don't mean much to me, but I expect they do to a Christian.
#6 It didn't.
#7 Next Saturday, actually.