Friday, 2 September 2011

Ultra High Speed Travel.

Some clever scientist once worked out that the fastest way to travel from one side of the world to the other would be to burrow a hole through the centre of the earth, evacuate all the air, and then drop though it in free fall. He also calculated that the journey would take forty two minutes, which conveniently resonates with the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything.

What he omitted to mention was that if we in Britain were to avail ourselves of the method, we would emerge at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean somewhere south of New Zealand. This would almost certainly prove fatal, and is obviously the reason why we don’t do it.


Zz... said...

i liked this one. i'm sure that is one place full of monster jellyfish that could swallow you whole lol

JJ said...

You mean you don't like them all? Too fussy! Love me, love my states. (Does that sound a bit Sagittarian?)

Maria Sondule said...

Plus we would probably emerge as molten lumps of magma, since the temperature in the core of the earth is more than enough to melt us.

Maria Sondule said...

Also, would gravity permit us to come out the other side? Doesn't it pull everything towards the center of the earth?

JJ said...

The gravity issue is covered, Maria. Apparently, the body would accelerate towards the centre, but then decelerate at an equivalent rate as it moved on 'upwards.'

But yes, I think you'd have to be in a well insulated container. I daresay there might be a problem with G-forces, too.