Tuesday, 20 September 2011

One Item Missing.

I don’t see how the list of ‘Interests’ in my blog profile could be complete without some reference to women.

Women have always fascinated me. Sometimes I’ve found them engaging, sometimes compelling, sometimes all-consuming, sometimes frustrating, sometimes cruel, sometimes maddening...

But ignore them I can’t. The second biggest preoccupation of my life has been the search for the right woman. (Seems I’ve probably found her, but we’re never going to meet – which is how it should be, I suppose.)

Anyway, the question is: what am I going to list among my interests that reflects the place of women in my life?

My interests include:

Pretty girls? Hardly! It goes a hell of a lot deeper than that.

Beautiful women? Nope, still nowhere near deep enough.

Women who know their place? That one would be accurate, but can you imagine the eyebrows it would raise? Everybody would assume I meant it in terms of the traditional ‘woman’s place’ as perceived in male-dominated cultures. Which, of course, it wouldn’t. My meaning would be nothing if not respectful. I still considered it, just to be mischievous, but ruled it out.

I have an idea, but it troubles me. It might be giving too much away. Still, if I can get the wording right...

Watch this space (well, that space.)

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