Saturday, 3 September 2011

A Slightly Different Cow Story.

I got charged by a bull today - a Friesian bull. Friesians are reputed to be rather nastier than the Herefords that are usually used for breeding in Britain.

I won't bother to explain what I was doing in a field with a load of Friesian bulls; suffice it to say that one of them charged me. Suffice it also to say that you don't realise just how big, powerful and intimidating those things are until one of them is running at you and getting uncomfortably close.

I tried method 1: raise both hands and say 'whoa' in an authoritative manner. Let him know it's an order, not a plea. It worked; he stopped and backed off a pace or two. By then, however, several of his pals were also showing signs of wanting to use JJ for a game of football, so I picked up a piece of fallen tree branch to give me a bit of extra authority while I made it to the gate and climbed over.



Maria Sondule said...

Very nice. I'm sure not many can say they stopped a charging bull in his tracks.

JJ said...

I suppose it's possible he just wanted to play? There was a woman killed by cows only yesterday, but she was walking a dog.