Tuesday 17 May 2011

Update and a Sideways Step.

Things in my world have changed. Whether for better or worse I really don’t know. It’s that confusing. So maybe I should drop this subject, at least for the time being, and move onto something a bit lighter and nature-oriented.


Blow trumpet
The world is white with May

- Tennyson, I think.

The May blossom was very early this year due to the warm March and April, and it’s nearly gone now. But now the hedgerows are flanked by a dense profusion of cow parsley, which is also white. ‘Blow trumpet. The world is white with cow parsley’ doesn’t have quite the same ring, does it?

And talking of cows, the little ladies in the field opposite my house seem an unusually happy bunch. They’re forever frolicking, galloping, having play fights and rubbing their heads together affectionately. They love to watch the farmhands working and the kids from the school playing – and me tending the garden. I went and said hello to them today. They trotted over and looked inquisitively at me. The little brown one even let me scratch her nose.

And the dunnocks are definitely coming closer.

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