Monday 23 May 2011

Shame, Mr President.

During the state visit to America by the British Royal Family, Barack Obama said that the Queen ‘symbolised the best of England.’ Two things struck me.

First of all, I wondered what he meant by that, since I would be inclined to disagree. Well, it seems he was impressed by her graciousness. Ah, so that’s it. As I see it, ‘graciousness’ in political terms consists of practiced politeness, assumed superiority, and being hidebound by a mass of complex and often pointless codes of behaviour. Best of England indeed.

What is of more concern, however, is what the people of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland thought of his pronouncement. The Queen is their queen too, her son is Prince of Wales, her husband Duke of Edinburgh. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland aren’t in England. Wouldn’t you think that someone of Obama’s standing would have learned the difference between England and Britain by now? We forgave Bush anything, since he was just a puppet clown without a brain of his own, but we expected Obama to be a bit above that sort of thing.


Della said...

Now, Jeff, don't go picking on Obama. He's the only halfway intelligent president the U.S. has had since Jimmy Carter (sorry, but I do actually like Jimmy Carter). Okay, so he said a silly thing. I absolutely see what you're saying, of course, but maybe he was just trying to be nice or more likely, found himself at a complete loss for words. I can imagine how quickly one would be at a loss for words around the British Royal Family (all caps, really?) because – what can one actually say to them?

Zz... said...

too much royal family too much obama in the news recently. I guess it's better than real news...which is usually bad most of the time...

wow you haven't blogged in three days? are you sick!! get well soon!

Maria Sondule said...

I did post on this before but I guess my comment wasn't saved or something. I think it was nice of him to say that, but obviously he should have brushed up a bit on his English history before hand or something. I hope that people don't start claiming he's a horrible leader based off that one comment.

JJ said...

Della: Yes, all caps. I agree with both your choices for President. I like Carter too. (capital P.)

Zhen: Agree with you, too. I suppose the odd bit of Hallmark doesn't do any harm now and then.

Maria: All to do with Blogger woes, I'm sure. No, we don't. We're quite used to people using English and British as interchangeable terms. The English tend not to notice it, it's the Scots, Welsh and N Irish who get a bit miffed. Can't say I blame them.