Monday 16 May 2011

A Preparatory Note.

I do hope the few people who still read my blog have been entertained by the little bits of madness that have crept into my posts over the last few days. Well, I can’t write the post mortem yet. Sorry. I have an e-mail to read first, and there’s a separate mystery waiting to prove itself substantial or illusory. The fact is, there’s a lot more to this than I can lay out on the table in logical and chronological order. The only person who knows the full picture is me, as will Helen when I finally get around to talking to her. She’s the one person I trust totally, she knows me inside out, and she knows the history behind it all.

Things came to a bit of a head last night. It was Bad Dreams time. A whole night of them. So, when you see a post with ‘Bad Dreams’ in the title, you can either continue the entertainment or give it a miss if you’re finding the whole story terminally tedious.

Right now it’s lunchtime, and then I have to concentrate on one of my least favoured jobs – sorting out Nigel’s final yearly figures and making sense of his tax return. I’m hardly in the mood, but it has to be done.



Jeanne said...

I have spent the good part of a morning getting caught up on the goings on in your part of the world. Having been away on a family emergency for almost three weeks has left me grossly behind in my reading!

Instead of commenting on several different posts, I am going to try and combine all my comments/thoughts into this one. I do hope you don't mind! :0)

Pop-up windows in Firefox - try Google Chrome or try a security program like AVG that stops pop-ups from happening. (sounds like a commercial)

Erotic Films - I think erotic films are those that allude to the actual act of sex. They should build up the emotion and feeling in the audience much like a good suspense film.

Beltaine fire - I knew something special would happen. A connection has been made, a doorway opened. A glimpse of color has been shown to you. Perhaps you have been shown the way to that place that only those who follow their Muse know about. But the part of you that still exists in Greyville is protesting the move. It is a hard balance to achieve.

Holy Grail - you are so very correct in what you have written.

I do hope the Universe helps you sort through the Greyville matters so that Life may continue on in a pleasant manner.

Della said...

I cannot be as eloquent as Jeanne above, but will say that I have been following your "madness" though I haven't left any comments recently, I'm sorry. The Greyville struck me because I also feel the world's value system has grown cold and alien, especially in the last ten years or so. I won't commit murder or suicide over it (and hope you won't either) but agree it's sometimes very difficult. Am presently waiting for your book to arrive – at which point it will be placed atop my stack of must-reads. That is, after I finish my obligatory, guilt-induced German reading.. life can indeed be a bore.

JJ said...

Jeanne: You're a pal, you know? I knew you'd been away and that Gomez was missing you (although he looked content enough on pa's lap.) Yes, it was the Beltane experience that sorted out the colour-beyond-Greyville thread. I'm sure you're right about that. So, you agree with the Holy Grail rant? That's interesting. It was part knowledge, part belief, and part yelling pointlessly at the source of my present discomfort.

The Bad Dream post will be coming later. I can't believe what I got from it.
Della: I nearly e-mailed you this morning. 'Where are you? Why aren't you yelling at me - for the current rash of swear words if nothing else?' I rely on you D, though I suppose I shouldn't. You mean you bought my book?! I would have sent you the ms free, you know. But thank you.

JJ said...

Sorry, Della. The last line somehow got ahead of you. Must have had the cursor in the wrong place. Now I can add mortification to everything else.

Jeanne said...

re: Holy Grail ~ I have spent a good portion of my Life looking and seeking something that I just knew was more glorious than what I had. Very much like the people who have searched after the Holy Grail. I finally realized that what I already had was the Grail I had been seeking. I was just too blind (from the blinders that Greyville had placed on me) to see the colors. I wish others could find what they seek.

And I would like you to know that you and your blog are most enjoyable. I am ever so glad that I have found my way to your doorstep. You have given me things to think about and ponder, and little tidbits to make me laugh. I truly do hope that Life becomes more pleasant for you. :0)

JJ said...

It seems the Holy Grail is a major topic of conversation at the moment. I think I'd better reserve judgement.

Thank you for saying that about my blog. It means a lot to me. It's just the place where I hang out, warts and all.

You're a good person, Jeanne. I saw it in that picture you posted of yourself and hubby once. And you love animals without losing touch with humanity.

And yes, it would be very nice if Life became more pleasant for me!

Della said...

Firstly, I guess the weather's been too nice so I've been out more than usual instead of at home in front of the computer, which is good except my novel writing has suffered which in turn has caused me some frustration and depression, making writing nearly impossible.

Secondly, I am often stopping by here but not always leaving a comment because many of your posts offer food for thought which I need to muse over before remarking on. Lately maybe you've been more complicated than usual, leaving me stumped :)

Finally, I did see your remark that you'd happily send your ms to any of your readers who asks, but frankly I'm spoiled and prefer to hold a real book in my hands that I can eventually place on a real bookshelf. You know? I can't stand reading my own ms's (or is it mss?). Anyway, don't you think you should sell a few books for all your trouble? (!) I'll let you know if it never arrives as I've chosen the regular mail option which they won't trace if it gets lost :( and then I may just ask for that ms after all.

P.S. Why don't you put your novel advert just below your "About me" paragraph on the sidebar? No reason to hide it at bottom. Just a thought :))

JJ said...

Just a joke, Della. I meant no pressure, honestly. As for the book, here goes...

I hate saying this because I know it sounds self-righteous, artificially noble and lots of other non-edifying things, but it isn't like that. The fact is that writing the book was no trouble. On the contrary, it was one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done. And so I feel I have no right to make money from it. I only added a small profit because online retailers won't, apparently, carry it unless you do. I would happily give it away to everybody because I get even more pleasure from thinking somebody is reading it. How much more reward do I need?!

Della said...

It's an amazing attitude to have, especially in a world where people sometimes seem money-obsessed. I look forward to reading it!

P.S. I know there's no pressure, don't worry!