Sunday 22 May 2011

A Pathetic Admission.

I’m feeling a bit of a wreck at the moment; the intense psychic and emotional activity that’s been raining down on me over the last few weeks is taking its toll.

And now my computer is playing up. I was going to make an extended post about how my computer has become central to my life these days, how it impacts on my relationship with the external world, and how, by extension, it affects my sense of self. The prospect of it packing up, or even preventing certain operations, is not one I like to contemplate. And you know how it is when you don’t understand the damn things. The more it plays up, the more you expect it to fail completely any minute now... Stress. But I can’t be bothered to make an extended post. This paragraph will have to do.

Maybe it’ll be in a good mood tomorrow. But if I suddenly disappear off the radar, you’ll know the likely reason.

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