Friday 6 May 2011

An Unexpected Obligation.

When I was exploring the website, I came across a page inviting buyers to set up a profile. One of the tick boxes included a statement that said something like:

When I buy a book, I would like the author to send me a thank you note.

There’s something bizarre about this, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Or maybe I can, but I can’t put it into words. Except to say: imagine JK Rowling sending a thank you note to everybody who bought a Harry Potter novel. Admittedly, the quantities are hardly comparable, but the principle’s the same. Isn't it?


Anonymous said...

And speaking of which, your book arrived this morning! No thank you note necessary.


p.s. says rob-clad on the back cover,must be fate :-)

JJ said...

Thank you anyway, old pal. The blub on the back cover was what the storefront picked up, hence the same typo. I've been able to edit the storefront page, but I'm still trying to find out whether the book cover file can be revised. That's something I can't do myself as far as I can tell.