Thursday 19 May 2011

Do It Anyway.

I did have a thought in the bath tub, actually. I was musing on one of the issues that’s been giving me grief lately, and it struck me how often people really want to do something but desist either because ‘it won’t lead anywhere’ or ‘it’ll all end in tears.’ I think there’s a lot to be said for doing whatever it is anyway, and seeing just where it does lead. And if it all ends in tears, most of us have the resilience – most times – to get through the vale until we come out the other side. It’s an approach I’ve taken several times in my life. It’s led to both peaks and troughs, and has sometimes ended in tears - either my own or somebody else’s or both – but it hasn’t killed me yet. Or them.

The bad news, though, is that I misjudged the hot and cold taps. The water wasn’t quite warm enough and I had to truncate my usual soak-and-muse session. There is a cure for that situation, but it’s unavailable.

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