Wednesday 18 May 2011

Being Impatient.

Waiting is something I don’t do well. I’m a little prone to impatience. Seems I expect everybody else to apply levels of priority that accord with my own, and I expect everybody else to be as impulsive as I am and go into freefall alongside me.

Pretty unrealistic and unreasonable, no? Pretty damn stupid.

So here I am again, connecting with my old friend John Barleycorn and making a post that I will probably want to delete in the morning.

Karen Mattheson’s Breisleach says it all. The mire and the mountain top that madness makes manifest.

I’ll be off to bed soon. To sleep, perchance to dream of gambolling cows and lollopy dogs. Good word, lollopy.

So many disconnected phrases and statements and questions and speculations flooding through this unbalanced mind at the moment. They keep asking me to write them down, but that would be embarrassing. Especially if it turns out that they're not disconnected. Life seems intent upon pushing me along the fast lane at the moment and I love her crazily for it, but a part of me wishes she understood that I have trouble finding the brake pedal. It all comes down to who or what is in control here. And a line from a favourite Dylan song just insisted on being heard:

And the princess and the prince discuss
What's real and what is not.


Jeanne said...

A stanza from a Moody Blues song came to mind when I read this post -
Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey and yellow white
But we decide which is right

And which is an illusion

And I guess this can also refer to your post about a lunatic questioning his sanity. Who is to say what is normal or sane and what isn't? I'm sure many folks would think I'm crazy for things I do yet those very things seem sane to me. All a matter of perspective I guess.

And I agree with Della in a comment she made - so much of what you have written has given me food for thought.......

Randomness ~~~ It is always good to know what lessons a person needs to learn in this lifetime before moving on to the next.

Acting on instinct or a gut reaction is usually the best course. When a person stops to 'think about it', they end up second-guessing themselves which leads to a wrong action.

Many people I know who have a close relationship with the Fae seem to have a problem growing carrots....

JJ said...

Well said, Jeanne, and thank you.

Oddly enough, only a few nights ago I had the urge to find and listen to some Moody Blues on You Tube. Haven't heard them in years.

And the change of key in the last line raised a hearty chuckle. And had me intrigued... I did give them my pen knife, you know!