Thursday, 10 November 2011

Sarah is Missing.

Well, conspicuous by her absence anyway. Feedjit is short of Sarahs today. I went for another moonlit walk tonight, the moon being full and the sky generally clear. I was trying to shake off some of life’s cobwebs, since they continue to weigh so heavy. My route took me along Mill Lane and past the house of the greatly esteemed S, where there was evidence of only one human presence. It consisted of a pair of aubergine-coloured arms washing the dishes – the kitchen blind being ¾ down, you understand. I doubt it was Sarah because the matching, aubergine-coloured waist behind them looked a little too full.

It could be, of course, that she’s simply gone off me as a result of my pejorative attitude to New York. Maybe she has reason to take offence. You can never know these things, can you?

Talking of which...

Vis-à-vis my previous post: Content owner has, indeed, disabled embedding (damn the little gobshite whoever he is,) so it might as well come back off the playlist. But I would like it to be known, reference certain lyrics contained within the song, that however lonesome I became, and however severely bled by a New York City winter, the whores on 7th Ave would still be kept well beyond arm’s reach. Some people just give in too easily.

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