What is this obsession we ‘developed’ humans have with
speed? I suppose it probably started with the invention of the steam
locomotive, and it’s been getting more manic ever since.
There’s a plan to build a high speed rail track down one
side of Britain.
After much discussion and many protests, the politicians have finally approved
it. They admit it will have ‘a negative environmental impact,’ but say the
benefits will outweigh the environmental cost. So I ask: ‘why is it so
important to get from Manchester to
London fifteen minutes quicker than
it takes at the moment?’ Ah, but of course: it will benefit the economy. Will
it? OK. But if it’s true, doesn’t it
just mean that Joe Public might get an extra pittance in his pay packet, and
the likes of Branson and the banking executives have a few more millions stashed
away that they can never hope to spend? Oh, and of course: the figures will
look better so the politicians will have something to crow about, and then the
great British public will be more likely to vote for them.
Fair enough. I give in. Speed is essential. What’s the value
of a few million acres of landscape compared with benefits such as those?
But there’s a silly side to this modern mania as well as a
sad one. Hotmail now tells me that there’s a way of opening my messages ‘up to
13x faster.’ It takes the blink of an eye to open a message. Why the hell would
I want to make it 13x faster?
So, as I said, what is this obsession..?
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