Monday, 14 November 2011

Ever Apart.

It’s a proper November day again. The air is cool, the breeze light, the sky leaden and the atmosphere damp. The far hills are almost washed from view by the mist, and as I walked along the quiet of Mill Lane, untroubled by traffic, I watched life going on mindlessly and yet purposefully around me.

Birds flitted from bough to hedge, cows grazed incessantly, two rabbits chased one another around a field. The trees and hedgerows stood seemingly solid and inscrutable, while the new-sown grass grew imperceptibly on its way to becoming next year’s meadow.

And the question cropped up again: is the ability and inclination to question life the one thing that separates us from the rest of it? I think it probably is, and what a price we do pay in peace of mind sometimes.

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