Saturday, 19 November 2011

Today's Updates.

Been doing proper manly things today – Ladders, Lopping and Lifting heavy things – instead of scribbling this poncy blog.

Is that how I see it? The part of me that sets about doing manly things maybe does, but the rest of me doesn’t. The curse of having a multi-faceted personality is that even I never know which aspect I’m going to function with next.

Update on Sarah:

Her house was in almost complete darkness this evening. No sign of life. I sometimes wonder whether she’s consciously avoiding me, but I doubt it. Consciously avoiding me would be as hit-or-miss as consciously trying to bump into me. I miss her unforced radiance.

Update on the Priestess:

Judging by something I just read, it seems I might have timed my exit from her life perfectly.

Update on Life:

Still compelling. Still confusing. Still mysterious. Still wracked with dichotomies and disturbances. Still here.

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