Friday, 18 November 2011

Another Non Post.

Dreams, lots of them - troubled ones. A succession of tableaux in which I was attacking people I cared for, and hurting myself in the process. There was a flooded grocery store that nobody could enter, and policemen patrolling the streets in red baize uniforms.

There was a jewellery box in which I knew there to be two precious diamonds, all that was left of a lifetime searching for the best of precious stones. I opened the lid and they were gone, so I wondered. Had I simply imagined them; had the box been empty all along? Had they been stolen overnight? Or had I mislaid them, and should I set about searching? I still don’t know.

This post isn’t meant to inform, entertain or provoke any general reaction. It’s just that old device for easing the short circuit.

The postman came and went twenty minutes ago. It set my neighbour's dogs barking and they haven’t stopped yet. It’s getting on my nerves.

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