Sunday, 20 November 2011

Saying it With Smells.

One of my characters says:

‘A person’s favourite smells say a lot about him.’

Since I feel uninspired and it’s nearly bed time, I thought I’d list mine.

Fresh coffee
Wood smoke
Pipe and cigar smoke
Fresh tobacco
Pine resin
Hot tar
Wild honeysuckle
Real sandalwood
New-mown hay
Chips frying

There’s one more, but I decided it could compromise potential future prospects so I’m leaving it out. Pity, it’s the most subtle of all. I find it odd that I dislike the smell of cinnamon, vanilla and baking bread.

I’m bored again. I need those future prospects and the subtle scent that would come with them. When you’re bored, be cryptic.

Arlington is playing. Night.

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