Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Following the Signs.

There is a common belief in simple cultures, the New Age mentality, and even down here at street level in the developed West to some extent, that the ancestors or ‘the universe’ or some other non-material agency give us signs to guide our actions. I’ve always had my doubts about that, even though the concept appeals and I’m generally sympathetic to a lot that might be classed as paranormal or mystical. A major part of the problem is that even when some fact or circumstance crops up that appears relevant and portentous, there are always several interpretations, and often they conflict. So even when such things happen, I’m generally inclined to ignore them.

However – however – a few days ago I was made aware of something that just had to be more than coincidence. Frankly, I could hardly believe my ears. There was repetition, there was relevance, there were threes, there were threes within threes, there was no room for alternative interpretation, and there was an over-arcing picture ridiculously specific to my situation. For once, I decided this must truly be a sign. I made the decision to act and act boldly, even though the action was both radical and risky in several ways.

So what happened? Fate prevented me. That pisses me off!

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