Friday 1 October 2010


It’s a strange situation. One day a person is walking alongside you, talking to you and the people nearby. And then that person disappears – completely. You look for them in the crowd, but they're not there. And so you begin to wonder, and maybe that’s precisely what they want you to do. So you tell yourself to stop wondering, but you know you'll probably ignore your own advice – tomorrow. One lifetime is too short to stop wondering, as some of us very well know.

There aren’t many things in life more interesting than human nature. It’s so frail, so flawed, and yet so full of fruit ripe for the picking. The fruit is currently a rich golden brown, just the right colour for a drowning. And life and loss are fascinating bedfellows.

Shoot at me if you want. I promise to duck, since I'm a bit into life at the moment. But it's in the nature of moments to contain the magic of the ephemeral, I suppose because ultimately they don't exist. And the magic of non-existence must surely be the greatest magic of all.

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