Tuesday 26 October 2010

Notes on a Trip to the City.

There was an elderly couple in a shop today, discussing the relative merits of toilet roll holders. You’d think they’d have more decorum at their age, wouldn’t you? Surely, such things should be kept on the top shelf and sold in brown paper bags.

And I saw two young men having a cigarette outside the doors to the shopping mall. They were dressed in the regulation baggy trousers, big boots and hoodies. But they were also wearing woolly gloves, despite the damp but mild feel to the weather. I assumed the reason was because it was cool, rather than because it was cold.

I also heard a woman describe the unemployed as ‘these drop-outs.’



Anonymous said...

Well, that's rather old-fashioned of you to say, don't you think? Not to sound like an overplayed record, but these are modern times, and privacy is not nearly as precious as it once was.

Having said that, in defense of the old couple, I would be inclined to disagree - the fact that old people are able to relinquish their forced decorum and be natural is rather striking and wonderful, as opposed to downright embarrassing.

If you wish to take it once step further, then you could even venture that the toilet roll holder remarks are democratic, challenging the stuffy societal norms they were once spoon-fed. Discussing these things should not be frowned upon by conservative bloggers - I should surely like to know which toilet roll holder would make my bathroom experience most comfortable!

If you think talking about toiletries in public should be censored and brown paper bags, this makes me highly curious as to what your opinions are on vocalising far more intimate details about one's private life.

If not democratic, then surely amusing.

JJ said...

I assume this isn't Dominique - no record of a visit from India in either stats.

So, thank you Anonymous, whoever you are. I enjoyed that. I assume you didn't miss the irony. The whole post was a joke. And it should come as no surprise that I am probably more comfortable than most about vocalising intimate details. It's something I consciously rein back because I know it embarrasses other people.

Thank you so much for the comment. My blogging world is a bit bleak at the moment.

Wendy said...

This is the best laugh I've had in a long time, Jeff! I'm laughing my head off reading the anonymous comment and your reply (literally tears coming out of my eyes) who wrote that, Queen Elizabeth? Oh my goddess this is just too funny. Now I know what to read when I'm in a really gloomy mood ; )

Wendy said...

Seriously, I can't stop laughing....

JJ said...

The mystery, Wendy, is whether Anonymous was being serious. The writing is intelligent, which isn't necessarily a guide to attitude but suggests that she/he might have been reflecting the joke back on me. The one thing that pleases me no end is that all the people who comment on my blog are intelligent and have something to say.

Your second comment didn't publish, by the way. The panel it was in had no 'Publish' button.