Friday 29 October 2010

Being Closeted.

I’ve had one of those useful days today. I knuckled down and did lots of small jobs that I’d been putting off for ages.

But it’s dark now; it’s been dark for hours. All the jobs are done and I’ve been trying to write a blog post. It was an amusing anecdote, but it wasn’t coming out right. I can’t divest myself of the opinion that nobody would be remotely interested in anything I have to say. I take it I’m not alone in feeling that way sometimes.

Meanwhile, the wind is howling around the house and something keeps tapping on the door. Since it isn’t Halloween yet, I assume it’s just falling leaves. I keep thinking that it would be nice to have some company, but I’m a great believer in that old saying ‘be careful what you wish for.’ Who knows what company I might attract in a place like this and at this time of year? And although I believe it is possible to draw to us things we want by the power of wish and will, I also fear that we have no control over the means by which we get them.


Wendy said...

If you hear someone whispering "Heathcliff" as the wind beckons to you to come outside, be careful Jeff... ;)

JJ said...

'You say I killed you. Haunt me then!'

Oh, yes. Hello Wendy, nice to see you. Goodnight - for now.

Is that you in the profile pic, by the way?

Anthropomorphica said...

Yes, be careful! I sometimes wish for company until half an hour into company when I start thinking of other things I suddenly wish to do ;)

JJ said...

I'm a bit like that, but if the person stays long enough to go through the intolerance barrier, I miss them when they've gone.

Must remember to bring a stopwatch if ever I come to tea.

Anthropomorphica said...

:) I know what you mean!
I promise to lift the curfew for you as it's such a long way ;)

JJ said...

Oh thank you. Mel. Any chance of an alternative to tea?

Anthropomorphica said...

Aye, I'm sure I can find something suitably warming :)