Sunday 24 October 2010

Shrinking World.

I heard somebody claim in a TV programme tonight that one in eight American marriages are now between people who first met online. Strange to think that even as little as a hundred years ago, people grew up in small rural communities where a young man’s choice of bride lay between Elsie the milkmaid and Florence, the blacksmith’s daughter from the next village. And vice versa, of course.

I wonder how we would cope if ever we found life on other planets.


Zz... said...

I think it'd be great fun! I think introverts get to know more interesting people online-people in real life seem extra boring probably cos introverts don't go out, the ones you meet in real life are typically extroverts that share non of your interests, lol!

JJ said...

Well, that's odd, because I've been diagnosed an extrovert, but at least 75% of the people I talk to are online. I take it that wasn't a proposal.

Maria Sondule said...

Keep in mind that Americans have a 50% divorce rate as well, so these online romances aren't really doing the job...

JJ said...

Sounds like my kind of world...

Zz... said...

LOL I always thought extroverts just TALK and can't, that's a mind blowing revelation for me today, genius that I am...HAHA :p

I can only imagine now how much must come out of your gob after a few whiskies...

noise pollution!!! LOL

JJ said...

I also jump around like a waggy-tail dog who wants to play. Most annoying to the quietly disposed.

Noise pollution! Great, Zhen. Love it. You raised a smile.