Sunday 31 October 2010


Our clocks go back an hour to GMT tonight. That's twice in one month that I've had to adjust my calculation of the time in Sydney. Is it next Sunday that America puts theirs back? And I have to work out how to change that damn silly clock in the bathroom again tomorrow.


aceychan said...

lol. it must be disorienting to having to keep adjusting watches and clocks and time, jj. :D

Gorilla Bananas said...

The bathroom sounds like a convenient place to have a water clock. Where I live we just look at the sun (or ask the parrots if it's cloudy).

JJ said...

Hello Ace, how glorious to see you. Don't you change your clocks twice a year in the Phillipines? That's OK in itself, the problem comes when you're keeping tabs on other people who are also changing theirs, especially when they're in the opposite hemisphere and going in a different direction. Well, their clocks are; you know what I mean.

Good day Mr Gorilla. I think the water clock would be a bad idea. I have a history of water problems, having once offended a powerful water spirit. Really! The sun sounds like a better idea, but we get a lot of cloud in Britain - and we don't have parrots. There's a robin who talks to me but I haven't learned the language yet. You have a good blog, by the way.