Friday 22 October 2010

The Game.

It occurred to me recently that there is an essential element of game playing in all romantic relationships. I’m not saying that they’re incapable of developing into something more substantial, but for as long as they’re ‘romantic’ in nature there’s a game being played out. And the aim – as with all games - is to win. Surely it can’t be otherwise unless both parties are devoid of ego, and that isn’t very likely.

No wonder Buddhists have a habit of giving them up.

This is my 600th post. Had to be on this subject, didn’t it?


Jfromtheblock said...

I daresay that has hit the nail.

JJ said...

There's a lot more to be said on this subject. It can be a dangerous game, especially for women. The two sexes tend to play the game differently, often without realising the fact. Another post another time, maybe.

lucy said...

I agree with jenny. Sometimes, though, you're playing the game alone.

JJ said...

And that's when it gets really painful, Lu. The only way out is to stop playing it. I've been on both sides of that particular fence, and being 'stalked' by somebody in whom you have no interest is almost as disturbing as unrequited passion. I was glad I was a man, and therefore under no physical threat.

Zz... said...

LOL one thing I would like to know is your birthday! I get the feeling you have lots of libra planets like me!!!

Sometimes games aren't always about playing to win, I definitely play just for fun sometimes, cos the laughs and entertainment value are worth it! Actually I'm in the midst of a fun game to the point I was rebuked by a sensitive gf with "don't play games!" but alas I'm too irritatingly scorpionic to share the "fun" at the end of the day though if you both players are playing the same game with the same intention then there's nothing wrong with it!

Carmen said...

you have no idea how many times i have said this.

JJ said...

Zhen: Sagittarius with Scorpio rising and moon in Pisces is all I'm saying. Bit disastrous, really. If you really want to know, you can work for it. I have the same birthday as William Blake. I found that out when somebody told me I looked like him.

Carmen: I can imagine. And I still say it can be tough, because I still believe that men and women play to different rules.

Zz... said...

that is an interesting and unsurprising combination...not surprised if you are constantly conflicted though, lol... how about the venus?

JJ said...

Yup. Constantly conflicted.

Venus? The planet or the mount of? I know nothing about the planet.