Monday 25 October 2010


My new story is coming along well. Its aim - if such a term, riddled as it is with the inherent banality of Freudian Ego, can ever be applied to the creative process - is twofold. Firstly, it seeks to explore the darker elements of the perennial battle between the conscious and the unconscious, something to which we are all prey but which most of us never even realise. Secondly, it attempts to both underline and counterpoint the nature of self as perceived within a quasi, effectively flawed existentialist framework. This, I hope, will direct the reader to re-examine the semantics and shibboleths surrounding the alternate reality existing in the deepest corners of our imperfect vision.

Just kidding. I thought I’d practice in case I ever become a commercially succesful artist in the modern world. You never know. Got to earn my £500 haircut somehow, haven’t I, so I can look cool and important on the telly?

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