Wednesday 6 October 2010

Holy Smoke!

I had the most incredible experience tonight. I don’t think I can do it full justice in words, but I’ll give it a try.

Helen lent me a DVD of the film What the Bleep Do We Know? I watched the first seventy five minutes, and then took a break. It was becoming too heavy. Was I finding it difficult to follow? No. Was it teaching me anything? No. What was happening was this:

Nearly every view that I’ve come to have about the nature of reality was being read back to me by a bunch of quantum physicists. Views on the illusion of material existence, views on human perception, views on indivisibility, views on the nature of God – even views on emotional addiction. It read chunks of my stories back to me. It read blog posts back to me. It even covered my recent, apparently inexplicable, desire to try heroin, for heaven’s sake. I sat there increasingly open-mouthed and leaning ever further forward in my seat. I had to take a break.

So would I recommend it? To anybody who doesn’t want an easy life to be interrupted, no. But, considering some of the correspondence I’ve been having recently, I did have to smile when one of the scientists said:

Anybody who doesn’t ask these difficult questions is three quarters of the way to being dead.

I think that’s a bit harsh, but I confess to having felt vindicated to some extent.

That’s my big story for today. Take it or leave it. I suppose it’s only relevant to me anyway.


Zoe said...

I just watched that movie a few weeks ago... didn't I tell you about it? I don't remember.

I can only think of an orgasm of the mind to describe it. Although I did read that a few of the professors and scientists were misrepresented in the movie, that not all of them agree with the movie's philosophy as completely as they were made out to be.

JJ said...

That sounds like the sort of thing that's bound to happen. The producer/director want to take a certain line and the quotations get edited to fit. I'll have a better idea when I've seen the rest of it.

However, so far so good as far as I'm concerned. I might be forgiven for taking it as a personal message saying 'You're doing OK. Carry on.'