Friday 14 December 2012

Night Walking and the New Drink.

Mel asked me the other day whether I get lonely on my night walks.

‘No,’ I said, ‘I feel intensely alone, but not lonely.’

‘And is that a positive or a negative thing?’

‘Neither. It just feels natural to be alone in the darkness. I feel disassociated from humanity and mundane reality. I feel that I’m the only thing that exists, and that I’m walking through a stage set with the lights turned off.’

But sometimes a vehicle passes me, or I get irritated by somebody’s overly powerful security light, or I inadvertently spot a pink dressing gown through an inadequately curtained window, or I sense the presence of something other worldly lurking among the props. The last of them can be a little scary, but it doesn’t happen often.

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New House Farm was built to the same design as Haworth Parsonage, only smaller. And the plate on the wall says it was erected the year before Charlotte Bronte died.

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This porter is a very pleasant drink. It has a sweet, slightly fruity palate, with a bitter finish. That’s if it’s OK to describe beer in the same terms as scotch.

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