Tuesday 18 December 2012

A Christmas Question.

If Jesus spoke Aramaic, how did he manage all those meaningful conversations with Pontius Pilate?


Madeline said...

Cognoscitne Jesus atque Latinam?

Madeline said...

Dammit, that should be cognovitne. That's what I get for trying to do Latin at 7 in the morning.

JJ said...

I never noticed...

I'm honoured that you should even think about me at 7 in the morning, but I do wonder whether you should bring your multitude of talents under control. You might explode before you're 25, or worse still, marry an academic.

You see, Mad, I didn't do Latin. People from my side of the tracks don't. I'm going to hazard a guess that your phrase means something like 'Maybe Jesus knew Latin,' and risk the embarrassment of making my ignorance transparent. I did think of that, but then the post disappeared.

Madeline said...

It might mean that, or it might not. I was really never taught how to translate English into Latin, only the other way around. And I can't speak it, either, which means I can't have awesome conversations with Bede.

JJ said...

You're doing the dippy thing again, Madeline. It's what softens your brilliance and makes you quite charming.

Try Old English. I gather it isn't too difficult to learn.