Friday 28 December 2012

An Oddly Dark Ditty.

As Tom lay sleeping in his bed
A lady came and crushed his head
With talons sharp and molars red
And sucked his brains ’till he was dead

Do you know, I haven’t the faintest idea where that came from. I think I might have discovered a new tenant lurking in my box of personalities, finally creeping out from under that damp corner where the stain is, the one that might be ketchup, or it might be cranberry juice, or it might be blood; the corner that has a squidgy, smelly, mildewed piece of festering cardboard behind it.

Then again, it might have been inspired by the white something-or-other that I thought I saw disappearing under my bed when I went into the bedroom earlier

… or the little bright lights in the hedgerow that I see out of the corner of my eye, only to find them gone when I look directly

… or it might be Mad Mrs Rochester’s legacy, bless her loony latin locks

… or I might just be bored

Whatever. Rejection beckons, so why worry?


Wendy S. said...

How grisly, Jeff! Perhaps it's from reading "Dracula" that the new archetype or "tenant" is now in your head. Do you ever compose happy ditties? Or are you just drawn to the quirky and macabre?

JJ said...

I did write a few happy ditties, Wendy. Here's two:

Maybe there will be more to be written once I can get out of this stress groove.