Wednesday 26 December 2012

A Further Muse on Miss Eyre.

Here’s another thought about Jane Eyre (I won’t grace it with the title of ‘theory.’)

She says ‘I have no medium… between absolute submission and determined revolt.’

The reason I find this credible is because my mother was very similar, and I always assumed it was because she’d had a childhood which was both abusive and emotionally arid. It seemed to me that such a person will become naturally inclined to the utmost pliancy because they need to be liked and/or accepted, and yet switch suddenly to anger and stubbornness when they feel that a level of disrespect or presumption has gone beyond a certain line. That’s how my mother was.

So could something like this be true of Charlotte Bronte? She was only around six when her mother died, and her father is said to have been a strong, just, devout sort of man, but not warm or overtly loving towards his children. Might it be that she had a great need of warmth as a child, and found only cold correctness in the one man she loved? It’s interesting to note that there appear to be similarities between the Rev Patrick and St John Rivers. May we speculate, therefore, that one was modelled on the other. Of course we may, but we’ll never know.

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