Friday, 9 December 2011

Three Minor Moans.

I’m missing Sarah’s visits. Despite living a mere half mile apart, this blog is virtually the only contact I have with her, and there’s nobody else worth talking to around here.

I expect it was something I said.


The current batch of coal is pretty poor. I had the chimney swept recently, so there’s a good draw on the flue, and yet the coal sits there smouldering and giving off relatively little heat.

I expect it’s because it’s foreign.


My Feedjit stats tracker has developed the habit of missing a lot of visits, and they’re mostly the ones I most want to see. New York seems to be the prime casualty.

I expect it’s trying to persuade me to upgrade to the paying version.

*  *  *

More moans later, I expect, especially if I decide that the weather is too cold, wet and windy to go out for a nocturnal ramble.

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