Saturday, 3 December 2011

Terms of Endearment.

I’ve started compiling a pop chart of endearing lifeisms. There are only three entries at the moment, but they have the stamp of quality. They are, in order:

1) Yes, yes, you may.

2) Please don’t go away.

3) You were mean to me. You were.

It’s interesting, isn’t it, how little groups of words can have the power to unlock the postern gate and give their composer access to the castle even when the drawbridge is up?

The power of words is well recognised in Vedic spirituality, of course. This is the basis of the mantra, and maybe mantras come in forms of infinite variation.


Zoe said...

why is the last one significant?

JJ said...

Because, generally speaking (there are a few exceptions,) I hate hurting anything or anybody. Varying degrees of self-loathing usually result, and the degree depends on who or what I've hurt, and why. There are few things more capable of dismantling my defences than the knowledge that I've hurt somebody who is vulnerable and for whom I have considerable affection, even if that affection is confused. And if I have reason to believe that the reason I hurt them stemmed, at least in part, from some deficiency of my own, the effect is doubled.

I'm not sure it was wise of me to admit that on a public platform, but what the hell.