The lyrics to Raglan Road have been on my mind the
past few days. They tell the story (rather badly in my opinion, but never mind)
of a poet who falls in love with a woman and pursues his interest in spite of
the emotional danger. The lady in question strings him along for a while and
then shuns him, which is why it’s a sad song.
It reminds me of something I’ve observed all my life. Poets are
sensitive people, and I’ve noticed that sensitivity in a man polarises women
into two broad factions. There are those who are attracted by it, and there are
those who run a mile because sensitivity isn’t ‘masculine.’ I’ve known plenty
of both, and I’m still here.
I think it depends on the degree of sensitivity. I'd say most women want some degree of it, although not all want a lot of it in their men.
You mean they want it on their own terms? I forgot that type.
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