Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Budgies and Bad Moods.

Forget the budgerigar. I was in the pet shop today buying bird seed and nuts, and noticed that budgies cost £15. I can get a litre of scotch for that much!

‘That’s cheap,’ said the woman in the pet shop.

‘Cheep,’ confirmed a little blue budgie.


The Christmas so-called music playing in the shops is getting on my nerves. I could make a whole post about it, but why bother. All I’ll say is that one shop I went into today was playing just about the worst rendition of Auld Lang Syne that I think I’ve ever heard – some feeble voiced guy with a girl backing group, a synthesised back beat playing at the right commercial frequency, and a liberal sprinkling of trite grace notes to make it sound ‘professional.’ It was awful, so much so that for once I had a moan to the shop assistant and gave her the killing-of-music-and-worship-of-mediocrity speech, greatly truncated and delivered in one sentence. I can well imagine the words she used to describe me to her colleagues after I’d gone. And who can blame her?


I kept catching sight of myself in shop windows today. Not good. I think that was why I was in the mood to moan at the shop assistant.


I’m wondering whether my reference to dressing gowns (robes) intrigued anybody enough to warrant suspicions as to my desirability. I’m not the only man who’s noticed, you know. A male actor of my acquaintance once reminisced at some length on the subject. I think it might be time to put more distance between myself and the female of the species.

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