Monday, 21 November 2011

Unashamedly Cynical.

A recent poll indicated that William Shakespeare is the national icon most likely to give people a sense of pride in being British. (Let’s conveniently ignore for the moment the fact that WS of Stratford probably didn’t write that stuff, or at least not all of it. Whoever did write it is dead anyway, so The Face will do.) The two icons considered least likely were the political and legal systems. A small pool of weak light in a dark place, then.

I saw Cameron and Clegg doing a walkabout on the news earlier. I’m fascinated by the fake smiles, and the body language that oozes dishonesty and the disingenuous, that such characters display. I find it weird indeed that some people continue to be taken in by them. Then again, when you look at the likes of Blair, Bush and Berlusconi, maybe the present batch aren’t quite as bad as they might be. As for the plastic celebrities...



Maria Sondule said...

So what does that mean for the nation then? More Shakespeare propaganda?

JJ said...

I suppose it means we're more proud of our chief literary person than we are of our politicians and lawyers, which sounds about right to me. Well, if being proud of anybody is right, that is.