Saturday, 12 November 2011

A Minor Avian Aside.

I have a table at the top end of my lawn, and once a day I put bird feed on it. The table is white, except for an inch-wide ring around the feed which turns black within a few days of being scrubbed clean. This tells me that birds have very dirty feet.


andrea kiss said...

Sounds like my kitchen, except no birds. :o)

JJ said...

But Liam can't have dirty feet - not yet. Dirty knees, maybe.

andrea kiss said...

Nope, just Alex and his spilled tea and crumbs.

JJ said...

So buy him a bib.

andrea kiss said...

He wakes up at night and eats. I've told him before that i think he's sleep walking. Once i found peanut butter in several random and strange places through out our apartment and he didn't remember getting up and eating peanut butter. Other than that he's just very messy and doesn't clean up after himself. I don't think a bib would help.

JJ said...

I assume he has redeeming qualities? You could always try not minding mess.