Friday, 25 November 2011

Art as a Subject.

Late night thought:

It seems to me that the academic world is fundamentally left brained. Artists, on the other hand, are right brained; otherwise they wouldn’t be artists, would they? So my question is:

How do artists cope with the requirements of an academic approach to their subject? And how can academics ever hope to truly understand the artist? Isn’t conflict and stress inevitable?

I have only one person’s experiences to go on, so maybe I’m wrong.


my journey said...

Well, for me, I think jargon seems to be the place where the right brain and the left brain meet. I would like to invite you to visit or follow my blog at

JJ said...

I think there's more to it than just jargon though, Napoleon. I've worked with a lot of artists down the years, and I've found that the best of them tend to work from instinct. Many of them are simply not equiped to engage in the constant process of evaluation and justification forced on them by the art school establishment. I know one very good artist who suffers terribly from it.