Thursday, 5 July 2012

Flat, Bored, Whatever...

I’ve mentioned before that the majority of my contact with the outside world comes through the computer. Even people who live a mere half mile away across three fields with no lefts and no rights are only contactable in cyberspace. Strange, but true.

So, having had no contact of any sort today, I’m feeling a bit flat. I’ve taken to eating chunks of Cheshire cheese, which I’m sure has more to do with boredom than any need of vitamin B12. And this evening I made myself a hot apple, strawberry and redcurrant pudding with an oaty crumbly topping. I had it with fresh double cream.

Having said which, I’m now more bored than I was before. Time to bathe, I think. Maybe it will take my mind off the prospect of having more rain in the next two days than is normal for the whole of July. I’m due to collect Mel from the station tomorrow evening, and take her back there three hours later. If we have as much rain as they’re forecasting, the bottom road might be transformed into a succession of ponds. It often is.

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