Friday, 20 July 2012

Sad and Shaken.

I feel shaken this morning by how ready some people are to kill the innocent, whether it be state-sponsored genocide in Syria, a Norwegian who was ‘protecting’ his country from the perceived threat of alien incursion, or two men in Denver who did it for heaven-knows-what reason.

I can’t help taking this personally. I woke up at four o’clock this morning needing the loo, and when I read the news later I realised that there were fourteen people alive then who were dead by the time I woke up again.

I dare say that the high spiritual mind would argue that in the final analysis none of it matters. Well, I’m not up there yet, and so it does to me. Maybe people are still my business after all.


andrea kiss said...

Yes, very sad. Just last night Alex and i watched a documentary called The War on Kids about how the No Tolerance Act that was enacted after the Columbine, Colorado school shootings took place is actually over board and harming kids along as psych meds and meds for ADHA, etc...

A lot about school shootings in it... then to wake up and hear about the shooting in the theater... makes one second guess so many things...

JJ said...

Enough said, eh?