Friday, 20 July 2012

Summer Fare.

According to the weather forecasters, summer was supposed to start today. It didn’t – temperature still in the 50s and yet more rain (and last night my feet were so cold in bed that I considered wearing socks!) They’ve revised the forecast, and now we have summer celebrations planned for tomorrow.

I decided to be optimistic and make the first of my traditional summer dishes – rice salad with broad beans, chives and fresh sage out of the garden. Only I didn’t use rice this time, but quinoa because I’d read that it’s supposed to be Extremely Healthy and I haven’t yet stopped believing absolutely everything I read. That’s tonight’s dinner, along with green salad, hot cheese and onion rolls and organic houmous. I should be fit as a flea, really, shouldn’t I?


andrea kiss said...

Sounds like a yummy meal! I've yet to try quinoa but plan on doing so soon... i've been reading a lot about it lately... unintentionally but just the same... keeps coming up...

JJ said...

Well make sure you keep it down when you eat it! (It's actually quite bland - but healthy, I'm told.)