Friday, 6 July 2012

Emotion by Decree.

My neighbour was telling me today about a radio phone-in programme, the topic of which was ‘Should a person be allowed compassionate leave from work when their pet dies?’ Several contributors said ‘Of course not, they’ve only lost an animal.’ And, of course, they’re missing the point as people lacking emotional refinement always do. Whether a person needs compassionate leave depends on how he or she feels, not on how bland convention and consensus decrees that they should feel.  


Wendy S. said...

I can't imagine not taking a very long compassionate break when one of my animals dies. I don't have to worry about that this moment but I was fired once because I was grieving too much over a cat that I loved so much dies. My boss hated animals and I should have paid attention to that sign before I started working there. Not because I know my pet would die right away but because what type of person hates animals?

JJ said...

Offhand I can think of only two reasons why a person would hate animals:

1) Fear that they might be tainted by something unhygienic.

2) Fear that the creature might do something that doesn't accord with a narrow set of human-style values.

There might well be others, but I bet they have something to do with fear.

Wendy S. said...

Probably a mixture of both.