Wednesday, 6 June 2012

On Lava Bread and Vegetarian Sensibilities.

Lava bread (seaweed) is considered something of a delicacy in parts of Wales. I tried it once. Just once...

But I got a little ditty out of it:

The Lady Bella went to sea
And met some friendly fishes.
They gave her lots of seaweed, 
Spread on lots of sea green dishes.

‘What’s this?’ the Lady Bella asked
‘Am I supposed to eat it?’
‘Of course,’ a friendly fish replied,
‘There’s nothing much to beat it.’

‘It doesn’t look quite nice, you know,’
Said Bella, gently frowning.
‘It looks like what the cows might leave
On fields, all soft and browning.’

‘If that’s the way you feel, my girl,
We’ll leave you to your sailing.
Our piscatorial pleasantries
Are clearly somewhat failing.’

And so dear Bella journeyed home
And felt a little thinner,
But that would soon be put to right
With battered cod for dinner.


Anthropomorphica said...

Ok Mr B, I have some seaweed delicacies to bring tom our firelight natter... yum yum.

JJ said...

I tried seaweed once, Mel. A Welsh person gave me some. Er... Can I have cheese on toast instead? That's Welsh.