Sunday, 10 June 2012

What Dreams May Come.

The dream last night was another long one.

It began with me driving home and realising there was something wrong with the car. I took it to a garage where they found so many things broken that it was obviously a write-off. I felt full of irritation. I was aware that I had a new car at home, but how to get home?

I walked along major roads and over busy junctions, and eventually arrived at a locality I lived in during my twenties. I knew my ex wife would be in the house, but I spent the night elsewhere to avoid her.

In the morning I set off for some unknown destination and passed the road where my old house was. My wife was outside, putting things into the supposedly defunct car. How it had got there I didn’t know, but she saw me and I felt guilty. I hurried on.

And then came the strange bit.

I was no longer in the old locality, but walking down the lane where I live now. It occurred to me that if I walked on all fours, I might make better progress. So that was what I did, and found I could run at lightning speed. I felt the freedom of a four footed animal, but stopped when I saw a medium sized, tan coloured mongrel dog looking frightened of this strange creature. I stood up and stroked him, to reassure him that I was human and perfectly safe.

I reached the pub and turned right to walk along Mill Lane. There was an open wooden structure taking up the whole road, and in it sat a young woman who smiled as I approached. She seemed to want to know me, but her manner was hesitant and her mode of speech unduly formal. I moved on, meaning to come back and get to know her better after I’d done what I was there to do.

And what I was there to do was really quite innocuous. I was taking film to be processed in a lab, and I stood there for a while discussing the merits of larger format cameras with the technician and Kaetlyn of An Marcach. And then I woke up.

So, go on then, analyse that. Bit of a mess, aren’t I?

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